Opt-in language: 20 words that can change your opt-in rate

How much thought have you given to the opt in statement on your website?

You know, that sentence before the check box on your site where users (you know, humans) agree to get marketing emails from you?

Stop and go read that sentence

(if it even is a sentence). Remember, humans are reading it. Does it sound like something that would persuade you to sign up to receive emails? Does it sound like something that would persuade your target audience?

It’s amazing how often I’ve walked into companies that never think about this language. Sometimes it’s not even grammatically correct when I arrive. And yet I’ve watched opt in rates increase 30% (30%!) by updating that sentence to sound human with the right information. Think of how many names and sales can result from being able to email 30% more of your list regularly.

So what needs to be in your opt-in language to make it work for you?

  1. What kind of emails will you send? (Deals? News? Blog Posts? Break them out, but don’t be too specific and lock yourself in a corner.)
  2. Roughly what frequency will you send them at? (Set expectations now. If it’s daily, tell them. Better than a spam button hit later.)
  3. Sound human and on brand. Don’t paste in a statement from legal when your voice is young and hip. Be consistent.
  4. Make sure it’s clear you can unsubscribe later. Preferably say “you can unsubscribe at any time”. This alleviates anxiety about the spammer that never goes away!

That’s it. No need for a book. Keep it to the point.

Oh, and I should mention this will help your unsub and spam rates, too, because expectations were set up front.

Now get on your way to improved opt-in rates. It’s that easy.

(Up next: international requirements for opt-in statements. Get ready.)